What can we do to stop it?


There are many things taht we can do to stop global climate change:

You can plant a garden so you collect your fruit and vegetables and you don't have to use the car to go to teh supermarket

You can buy in local supermarkets to make sure that the products that you buy aren't transported from far away and they haven't used so much fuel to transport the food

Eat the left overs of your plate because the 40% of your food is left in your plate, then this food is taken to the landfilds and then produce methane

Try not to get on aeroplane sbecause aeroplanes use a lot of fuel to take of and land on  the Earth

Look at your tieres ones a month so the pressure of the tieres are all right and the car goes all right and you don't loose fuel

Using public transport because it carries in the same journey more people

Go by bycicle or go walking so you don't contaminate 

We can put down 1ºc at home and put a jumper on, so we don't use so much the heater

Put rags down on the floor so the floors are warm and your home is warm


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